It is with the support and generous donations of the Muslim Community that the Madrasah has been able to provide various services. The nature of our work is such that one will earn Thawaab-e-Jaariyah (perpetual reward), which continues even after one has passed away from this world. This will help in one’s moment of greatest need – in the Hereafter. Any contribution you are able to make in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
To this end, we request your noble selves to kindly consider us in your Lillah, Sadaqah and other monies. It is mentioned in a Hadith that Allah has chosen special servants of His in order to fulfill the needs of other people. People are dependent on such special servants for the fulfillment of their needs. These special servants who fulfill the needs of poor people will be saved from the punishment of Allah.
We would like people to commit themselves to making regular monthly contributions, no matter how small. This is an opportunity for each one of us to make a perpetual investment for the Akhirah (Hereafter), Insha Allah. May Allah reward you well.
We encourage each and every Muslim to make his/her child a Hafiz and if this is not possible, then one can sponsor a student of Deen. Any person wishing to participate in this noble scheme can setup a ‘sponsor a student’ direct debit below.
First donation will leave your account immediately and then the same day every month
Direct debit will show up on your bank statements as “GOCARDLESS”